Parking in a Bike Lane is a Class D Violation with a fine of $142.00 - Please free up Bike Lanes


Code Enforcer Neighbors

>> Thursday, July 16, 2009

This neighbor told me that he has seen Mister Florence Code Enforcer parking in the bike lane.

To achieve true success, the Department must win and retain the confidence and respect of the public, which it serves. (

The Code Enforcement and Education Officer Brandon Ott has primary responsibility for parking enforcement in the city as part of the Code Enforcement duties. He is assisted by members of the Florence Police Auxiliary who have been trained in the preparation of parking citation issuance and are authorized to do so as needed.


- $117 Billion annual cost due to people being overweight or obese in the U.S.

- $77 Billion potential annual health care savings if Americans were more active

A bike ride a day ...

Just 3 hours of cycling per week can reduce a person's risk of heart disease and stroke by 50%


- 66% of American adults are overweight or obese

- 75% of American adults will be overweight or obese in 2015